1. baySeq::CDPost
    'countData' object derived from data file 'simData' with estimated likelihoods of differential expression.
  2. baySeq::CDPriors
    'countData' object derived from data file 'simData' with estimated priors.
  3. baySeq::mobAnnotation
    Annotation data for a set of small RNA loci derived from sequencing of grafts of Arabidopsis thaliana intended for differential expression analyses.
  4. baySeq::mobData
    Data from a set of small RNA sequencing experiments carried out on grafts of Arabidopsis thaliana intended for differential expression analyses.
    matrix|3000 x 6
  5. baySeq::pairData
    Simulated data for testing the baySeq package methods for paired data
    matrix|1000 x 8
  6. baySeq::simData
    Simulated data for testing the baySeq package methods
    matrix|1000 x
  7. baySeq::zimData
    Simulated data for testing the baySeq package methods
    matrix|1000 x
  8. clusterSeq::cD.ratThymus
    Data from female rat thymus tissue taken from the Rat BodyMap project (Yu et al, 2014) and processed by baySeq.
  9. clusterSeq::ratThymus
    Data from female rat thymus tissue taken from the Rat BodyMap project (Yu et al, 2014).
    matrix|17230 x 16
  10. segmentSeq::hSL
    Preprocessed 'lociData' object containing likelihoods of methylation at each locus.